Saturday 4 February 2017

Inner Power in Everyone

I believe that we all have an inner power is tapping into this power makes us who we are see previous video 30/01/2017. Power in ones self is a incredible thing finding that power is the key. First I believe you must discover ones purpose this hard a lot of people never discover their purpose in life therefore never find their true power within. My first video (please watch) speaks a all of finding translated discover your purpose (The Pursuit of Purpose- by Myles Munroe) this book if read with open mind will ask questions of one self. I urge to think about the questions it asks and set your self a alarm clock to review your situation a year or 6 months from the you read the book and see where you are at. Personal plug Myles Munroe has a lot of good and inspiring books if you know of any inspiring books let me know. Next let's focus on Heroes Batman, Superman, Spider-man, Dare-Devil, Iron-Man, Captain America, Thor, Flash, Green Arrow, Black widow, Scarlet Witch, Vixen, Bat-Girl and New Wolverine to name but a few. What type of hero would you like to be National local both anti establishment what the hero you discover that you want the be takes an inner power. I loves comics hence the example, but their are many real life heroes out their. Like some of the heroes mention above not are squeaking clean, by driving forward willing to make a difference. Note even when you discover your power it is up to you to determines weather to use this power for good or evil?

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